Still didn’t get enough and want to learn more? Check out these hubs of information:
- Before the Flood
- Carbon Free Campus
- Carbon Footprint – Calculator
- Clean Air Day – Pledge
- David Suzuki Foundation – Top 10 Ways You Can Stop Climate Change
- Project Drawdown
- Treehugger article – Should I Unplug My Appliances And, if So, Will I Save Money on My Electric Bill?
- Water Action Hub
- We are Project Zero
Do you have more solutions you would like us to share?
Email us at [email protected] and we will add it to the Personal Climate Action Center!
Thank you for being a part of the Personal Climate Action Center and part of the solution.
If you would like to go back to review all of the steps, please click the button below to start from the beginning.
Also, please consider sharing this with your network.
Finally, stay tuned as we continue to develop the Center as we will be updating you on new and exciting features.
Thank you!